Category: Special Education

2023 Bradley F. Kidder Law Conference

Several attorneys from Drummond Woodsum’s School Law practice will be on hand to present at the 2023 Bradley F. Kidder Conference on October 4, 2023, at the Grappone Center in Concord, NH.  Their sessions and topics include

Maine School Legislation Update

As you all are aware, the Maine Legislature had a rather busy session and there are a number of new laws that have already taken effect, or will be taking effect later this summer, on August 8th. There are a host of changes of which school leaders should be mindful, including but not limited to…

Maine Immunization Law Could Collide with Special Education

Most readers of the School Law Advisory are well aware of the childhood immunization debate that has gone on in Maine and nationally.  We do not mean to step into that thicket, but instead want to highlight Maine’s own addition to that debate. As you likely know, the Legislature has approved and the Governor has … Continued




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