
Showing all 7 results

    Maine School Law and Practice for Board Members, 6th Edition, 2023

    Newly updated and expanded, this easy-to-read manual is written specifically for board members and is designed to provide them with practical and essential information relating to the laws governing Maine schools. All chapters have been updated to reflect recent changes in the law, and the extensive charts in the Appendix have been updated as well.  The updated appendices include selected statutes, a list of collective bargaining topics, a list of records that are confidential under state law, and a list of subjects that may be discussed in executive session.

    Maine School Law for Secretaries and Administrative Assistants: A Practical Guide, 8th Edition

    School secretaries and administrative assistants play an important role in the success of Maine’s public schools.

    Maine Special Education Law, 2nd Edition, 2020

    Maine Special Education Law has become the go-to book for school officials having anything to do with students with disabilities, as well as for colleges throughout Maine with courses on Maine special education law.

    Drummond Woodsum's 504 Management System for Schools, 3rd Edition, 2019

    Stop worrying about 504! Introducing the newly updated, definitive, soup-to-nuts 504 Management System that answers all of your questions in addressing the needs of 504 students with disabilities. Have you revised your 504 system to meet all the new ADA/504 requirements? This valuable tool provides everything you need in one package. Be ready for any 504 request, meeting, policy question, and even a visit from the Office for Civil Rights. Why piece together a 504 system yourself, when it's all here in this manual? An incredible value!

    Maine School Law, 6th Edition, 2018

    The latest update of Maine School Law, the essential resource for every school administrator, is now available!  The sixth edition of this comprehensive book has been updated to cover all legal areas that administrators need to know on a daily basis.

    New Hampshire Special Education Law, 1st Edition, 2018

    For the first time, everything you ever needed to know about special education law for the State of New Hampshire is here in one place. This book should truly be on the  shelf of every practitioner who has anything to do with special education in New Hampshire.  Here, Feltes and Herlan address all the ins and outs of this complicated area of law. Administrators and teachers alike will want this valuable resource at their fingertips.

    Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $95.20.

    Significant Cases in Maine School Law, 3rd Edition, 2013 (ePub Version)

    This book is a companion to Maine School Law, Sixth Edition. The chapters in both books address subjects in the same order.  For example, Chapter 1 in each book is about the legal framework of Maine school law, Chapter 2 deals with student rights, and so forth.

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