Spinning the Hits! Counting Down the Decade’s Top 10 Case Rulings in Special Education!

Live Event
Date: 12 / 01 / 2023
Time: 9:00am to 2:30pm (Registration at 8:30 am)

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Back in person and spinning the top hits of the last decade! That’s right, Drummond Woodsum’s Special Education Team will be reviewing the top ten special education cases of the last 10 years. As they do so, you will learn all the latest on FAPE, eligibility, student discipline, compensatory education, child find, manifestation determinations, procedural compliance, and more. Eric Herlan, Isabel Ekman, Penelope Wheeler-Abbott, and Rachel Sears will be bringing you the very best in special education, and leaving you with a smile!  

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Contact Morgan Stickney (Marketing@dwmlaw.com) if you have any questions at all.

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