New CTE Equipment Bond Program

Live Zoom
Date: 04 / 11 / 2024
Time: 1:30pm to 2:45pm
Presenter(s): Greg Im

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The Legislature has authorized $20,000,000 in State-subsidized loans for equipment purchases and related building infrastructure work for CTE Centers and CTE Regions. The Maine Department of Education is developing an application for CTE Centers and Regions to access these funds. A successful applicant will need secure voter approval before issuing a bond for the approved project. We will discuss the various methods and timelines for voter approval in CTE Regions, CTE Centers in an RSU or SAD, and CTE Centers in a municipal school unit. We will also discuss the process for issuing bonds and managing debt service payments.
This program is designed primarily for Directors of CTE Regions, Superintendents of CTE Centers, Assistant Superintendents, and Business Managers.

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